Muslim Code

Figuring Out The Muslim Code For Life.

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Seeking God

Seeking God

Seeking God

I was going on an errand for my father and I noticed a few things. I was frustrated with my sins as usual and trying to overcome them in my head.

It occurred to me that I must rediscover Islam. So I pretended to be a non-muslim who just stumbled over Islam. What would my condition be ?

I like all people, muslim and non-muslim alike would be dissatisfied with life, having an empty void. The void of that wants to be fulfilled like a vacuum. This void doesn’t care what it fills it with as long as it is filled. Isn’t that right ? So I’m this person with a void, to be honest this is me right now anyway.

As this person with a void I would probably then try to fill it with music, sex expression or trying to impress girls in some way or form, winning approval from others, trying to be the alpha male beating everyone else down. Testosterone at its work and me trying to amply it’s effects for world domination. But nothing works, the void is never filled. Now since I just stumbled over Islam..let’s say I believe that Islam is the true word of God. Right, so that then makes Allah the one true God.

Everywhere in the world the best is always followed, the richest, smartest etc. So if that’s the case.. Then God or Allah is the bestest (for lack of a better word) being in existence. Isn’t that right? Like how people follow the best person around them, we must then submit to God. Allah here recommends following Muhammad, so then I must trust God’s decision as he’s the perfect one, and if he says that I must follow muhammad, It’s in my best interest to do so.. right?

Great. By following Muhammad, then I follow what God wants me to follow and thereby I get closer to God himself. By getting closer to Muhammad’s code of behavior.. I achieve God and.. if I do it sincerely I HOPE to attain inner peace.

“Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (13:28)

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Addiction Series (Part 3) : Inner Voices – Don’t Listen To Everything.

positive voice, negative voice, inner voice, Habits, thoughts, islam, muslim, muslim code, break bad habits, successful thinking

You know the voice in your head? Sorry I should say voices.

1: Voluntary  thoughts

2: Involuntary Good/ Positive/ Constructive thoughts

3: Involuntary Bad/ Negative/ Destructive thoughts <<< KILL IT

These are the types of thoughts can come in your head. I’m not talking about memories, I’m talking about the thoughts that are new that are generated at that moment.These voices may come as feelings, like a push or drive to take a certain action.  It could be based on memories but what you need to know is that these thoughts are distinct and you can make the difference if you listen to them.

Most times we don’t know which one we’re following, but we just follow it. Or we follow the ones that are easy to follow, or are fun to follow. It’s time to step back a little and start detecting these thoughts before you make a decision.

What I want you to do do is to stop listening to those negative destructive thoughts. These negative destructive thoughts are not only about self esteem. They are anything that brings feelings of hurt, to you or anyone. Sometimes we are so used to chasing certain desires we chase them even if they hurt is and make us feel unfulfilled. We think if we get more of it, maybe we’ll be satisfied. This is called escalation of commitment. You chase an unfulfilling activity more and more to try fulfill some need of yours.

For the soul this is chasing sin. You think sin will satisfy you, you do it and you feel guilty. You do more of it thinking it will satisfy you but only this time you chase it harder and longer. Nothing it going to change buddy. You’re chasing shit. Honestly no matter how much you think its gonna satisfy you it won’t. Period.

You have to notice which voice you’re following. Sometimes the voice in your head plays a scenario of how you can commit some sin in a cool way to make you feel good. Red signal. It’s shit-head talking. Ignore it. When I say Ignore it.. I mean don’t give that shit-head an image and you pushing him or punching him or burying him. Just ignore it, like didn’t even exist. Breathe and clear your mind of thoughts and carry on your work with some energy. It might not go away with one attempt. Strengthen you mind, it like a fight, except that you’re the hulk and the tiny voice can’t do anything to you. You bulldoze it down, you walk all over it.. why? Because you didn’t realize it was there.

Listening to the good voice alone and ignoring the negative self-sabotaging voice will take some time. So start working on it now.

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Addiction Series (Part 2) : Humans are Hollow Beings – Don’t Fill It With Filth .

Habits, Hollow Beings, Addictions, break bad habits

It’s true.. You are what you read, eat, hear and most of all believe.

We fill our minds with desires and then we chase them. Advertising does a wonderful job at brain washing us, society brainwashes us with odd expectations that are there simply to fuel the economy. Some of our deepest darkest desires are not our own, but they are engineered by someone else. Take for example 50 Shades of Gray, you might not have read it but it sure is affecting what men and women think is cool, and fulfilling. Once you fall in to such traps, like trying to be the player, or trying to impress as many women as possible, sleeping with as many as possible.. its hard to get out.

You might not get all of it, but your mind is in constant pursuit of something that you did not initially or naturally want yourself. Your ego has made you want to feel superior to people and you have subconsciously picked action X to prove to yourself that you aren’t average. Most times these are sinful actions.. but they fulfil you in some false sense with instant gratification.

We all suffer from some sickness of the heart. Some more dangerous than others. But this is the thing.. we kinda let that monster seep into our hearts and then take control over us. What we need to do is disconnect from the food that this monster feeds on. It’s made a nice cosy nest in us. We need to starve it and wait till it leaves. It will not go overnight. If you have some wild expectation that it’s going to fly away like a bird then you’re dead wrong.

These things also aren’t single issues, they are a whole basket of related habits (monsters) that you need to tackle. And oh you’d also be lost in limbo, unable to decide whether you wan to quit it or not. Ha! Thanks for that brain. But once you do decide.. you have to disconnect completely and detox. Yes there will be temptations, withdrawal effects, etc. Fight through the discomfort.. how? Love it. Know that it means you’re going through change. The discomfort, the distracted mind, the mild depression.. this is exactly what you’re supposed to feel before you get better. You filled it with filth, now pay the price. Yep, pay the price for stupidity.

Pay up sooner, or you’ll end up paying more.

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Addiction Series (Part 1) : Consistency – The Key to Successfully Increasing Emaan.


You know your emaan going up and down with time. You would have had those moments where you couldn’t care less, where you knew what you were doing was wrong but still wanted to continue anyway without thinking too much about the consequences. I’ve been there too, but I can tell you one thing, continuing to sin only makes the sadness much bigger, you’re digging deeper than you were before — Not helping buddy!

You know that time when you’re eating something spicy, but its so spicy.. to get over it you have more of the gravy…? Weird but thats what we do with sin as well…but guess what happens to your stomach in the end? Ha! Same thing happens to your soul.. it gets out of shape and your emaan drops and it only gets weaker till your fix yourself.

I’m saying all this just to remind you one thing — Be Consistent with what you’re anything. In your deen and in dunya. We’re people of habit, we do the same things over and over again whether you realise it or not! You’re eating the same stuff, wearing the same type of clothes, reading the same type of books, like the same type of people committing the same sins.. get it?

So since we’re people of habit.. analyse yourself and notice your bad habits and then analyse your good habits.. tally them up, write it down and see them. You can tear them after but you have to see it. My advice is to keep in on your phone somewhere so you can look at it from time to time and remind yourself about what you need to get rid of and what you need to do more of.

Whats your BIGGEST SIN? Kill it. Destroy it, kick it out of that damned list!

Whats your EASIEST Good deed? Ace it, Keep doing more of it and make it stay there forever!

You see once you form good habits and get rid of bad ones.. you’ll see things change.

BUT…. You’ll have a lot of resistance from your mind and body because you’ve been sooo addicted to doing those wrong things.. its hard to give up, smoking, drinking, porn, talking back, backbiting, slandering, showing off.. all of it! HARD TO GIVE UP!!!

BUT YOU HAVE TO! One by one.

You’re never safe.. It will always find ways to creep back into your life. Ha! But you gotta say NO. Consistently keep saying No.

Challenge yourself.. maybe for 10 days or 30 days.. that you’re gonna quit your sin.

Most guys probably watch porn. I think it’s the single biggest problem that guys face. QUIT IT. You’ll find it easier and easier after you’ve crossed a critical number of days without it. YOUR Brain is like Plastic, It accepts NO PORN after those few days.. and you know what You’re more than happy without it.

Keep a 30 day challenge.. tell yourself you’re not gonna go ANYWHERE NEAR PORN. RUN LIKE THE WIND when you get close to it. Do anything ENGAGING but that. Within 30 days.. it will lose its grip on you.. if you let it creep in it’s gonna get a hold of you..

Imagine yourself free from PORN. Imagine you don’t give a damn about it. How cool would that be? Imagine girls don’t pop in your mind when you’re praying or studying? How Sweet is that?

It will be tough, but CONSISTENTLY KICK THE SINS OUT and you’ll be free from it’s clutches.

Commit to consistency, Commit to freedom from sin, commit to Allah and commit to increasing your EMAAN!

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First Post

I have no major plan or purpose for this blog, except to ramble about things that bother me. Many things bother me here, on this earth. I haven’t found another soul to express these opinions to and so I turn to the Internet.

I am a male and so my views would take on the perspective of what I face every now and then as man.

I hope I find a like-minded soul or two. Mind you, I will offend some people. Be warned.